Clinical Genomics Center
Utilizing our expertise in Pediatrics, Human Genetics, and Pathology, the UCLA Clinical Genomics Center provides a comprehensive analysis and diagnostic interpretation of a patient's entire protein-encoding genome by searching through 37 million base pairs in 20,000 genes to potentially locate the single DNA change responsible for the patient's disorder.
Rather than analyzing genes one-by-one, this universal diagnostic service simultaneously investigates all possible causative genes in a time- and cost-effective manner and includes certified genetic counselors for pre- and post-test counseling as well as consultation from specialist physicians. This service utilizes next generation sequencing technology, state-of-the-art computational and bioinformatic resources, and integrated laboratory information systems to deliver a precise genetic diagnosis for the benefit of patients and physicians.

- Clinical exome sequencing
- Integrated bioinformatics and data storage
- Expert interpretation by our Genomic Data Board
- Fast report turnaround time